Quitting smoking was one of the hardest things I ever did, and I had a lot of support. E 'was also one of the best things I've ever done in my life. Quit smoking hypnosis programs are one of many ways and should eliminate the urge to smoke to the conditioned. Although smoking can be a painful experience without success for some people, those who use self-hypnosis is a much greater success rate because it facilitates the process.
The smoke is verylike losing weight; it takes a strong commitment over a long time. Smokers may wish there was a magic bullet -- a pill or method that would make quitting painless and easy. Quitting is not as easy as starting, mainly because of the addicting chemicals found in cigarettes. Cigarette smoke doesn't just contain nicotine. It contains over 4,800 chemicals, 69 of which are known to cause cancer.
You have to decide whether it is something you really want to do. In other words, plan ahead and develop ways to avoid, escape from, or cope with the things that might trigger you to return to smoking after you've quit. Smokers may consciously want to quit smoking, due to the terrible smell and the effects that smoking has on their health. Hypnosis can be the key to getting rid of the smoking habit, and it helps to eliminate the desire and craving for cigarettes, pipes, and cigars.
Smokers believe smoking helps them deal with stress. Actually this is all an illusion created by nicotine withdrawal. Smokers claim that cigarettes help them to relax or feel calm. In reality - nicotine actually makes you nervous.
Whether You're thinking about quitting smoking or have decided to quit smoking, you're at the beginning of one of the most important journeys of your life. I quit smoking for myself and my family. It is critically important to your success that you make a detailed list of all the reasons that have motivated you to quit smoking, and include a list of the negative consequences of smoking. Your bad consequences list should include things like how you felt if you smoked when you were sick; the cravings, wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath you felt when trying to go about normal daily activities; the holes in your clothes; ash smudges on the furniture; yellow fingers; yellow teeth; smoker's breath; the smell of day-old ashtrays; the intense smoky smell of the car when it rained; having to wait for a seat in the smoking section in a restaurant; fights with family members because they wanted you to stop smoking, etc.
As part of quitting smoking,smokers should identify and try to avoid activities that trigger smoking. When the urge to smoke comes on, smokers should try to postpone it as long as possible if they can't totally avoid it. Smokers are also at a higher risk for infection because smoking weakens your body's natural defense mechanisms. Also, as mentioned before, smoking decreases your blood circulation, resulting in slower wound healing and an increased risk of infection.
Smokers are much more likely than nonsmokers to develop lung cancer, with a 13-fold higher risk for women and a 24-fold higher risk for men. Cancer screenings may present a 'teachable moment for smokers, That is, when people learn how their lungs function and how smoking affects their organs, they may be more motivated to stop smoking. Cancer cells feed off of glycogen and die in the strong presence of oxygen. Part of a healthy immune system is to have the circulation, rich red blood cells, and clean thin blood needed to carry oxygen throughout the body to every nook and cranny, thereby killing off anything that may be thinking of festering there due to the lack of sufficient oxygen.
Nicotine is definitly no good for your baby, and the greatest risk to an unborn baby's health from smoking is posed by carbon monoxide which can cause fetal hypoxia (a severe lack of oxygen ). Nicotine exposure in utero may inflict lasting brain damage.
Those who quit reduce the risk of cancer almost immediately. Smoking will reduce functional lung volume by as much as 50% and weaken long term diaphragmatic strength. Smokers who quit before age 50 have half the risk of dying in the next 15 years compared with those who continue to smoke. Quitting smoking substantially decreases the risk of cancer of the lung, larynx, pharynx, oesophagus, mouth, pancreas, bladder, and cervix.
Quitting smoking can be a drag, but you can successfully quit when you know what to expect, are motivated, have social support, and create a personal game plan. Stopping smoking requires desire, determination, and commitment, but the more you learn about your options and prepare for quitting, the easier it will be.
Article Written By J. Foley
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